Technology Help Desk

Help Desk Information

The Help Desk is located on the second floor in Room 200A

Please be sure to check the College Hours of Operation for Holidays and Special Events. 

If you need assistance, please contact the Help Desk by:

  • Open a ticket by going to or by sending an email to [email protected]
  • Call 603-427-7638. If no one answers the phone, please leave a voicemail which will automatically generate a ticket. (Make sure to leave your Name, CCSNH Email, ID#, Brief request information.)

What to know…

  • This is where you can get your GBCC Student ID. If you lose or damage your ID there will be a $10 replacement cost. Please pay at the One Stop and bring your receipt to the Help Desk.
  • Your request is usually answered within a couple of hours between 8:00AM and 6:00PM Monday through Thursday and 8:00AM to 4:00PM on Friday.
  • The Help desk is closed on weekends and holidays.
  • You can access the Help desk wherever you have internet access.
  • If you prefer to have your question answered with a phone call, include a telephone number in your Help desk request.
  • Your request will be answered using your preferred method of contact.
  • This is the one place where your personal email account is accepted for communication.
  • The Help desk has useful information about how to access and use your SIS, EasyLogin, Canvas, and Student Email.
  • Information about other college departments and services is also available on the Help desk.

CCSNH Portal Website – is where you login using your EasyLogin username and password to access all our college resources such as Canvas, College Email, SIS, Navigate, etc.

Website Edits & Updates

GBCC faculty and staff can make updates, corrections or edits to the content on the website by submitting a ticket to the Help Desk. Instructions can be found here (PDF).